Watch and make your own ASCII version of star war movie.

Anonymous 6:29 AM Edit Artikel

Welcome friends.

After a week I am back with a new trick “How to watch ASCII version of STAR WAR EPISODE 4 in TELNET using notepad”. And in bonus I will also guide you “How to make ASCII version of your own videos using VLC media player”.
If you are regular visitor then surely you have read New method to make matrix effect using notepad or Hide Batch files without any software.

Although this trick is very old, but still many of us are unaware of it. Therefore I am sharing step by step procedure to watch and make ASCII movie.


I knew most of you had already watched Starwar movie many times. But believe me if you want some interesting you must ASCII version. In this version whole movie is made up of ASCII characters.

To watch this movie you need small data pack. Don’t worry about speed. Movie will run very smoothly even if your speed is less than 10KB/Sec. Because Telnet is service which used since there were not fast net connections.

Now you have to follow some simple steps which as easy as cakewalk.

Step1 :-  Open notepad 

  • click on start (left corner).Then click on run in window 8. 
  • In window XP/7/vista press window + R key simultaneously.
  • Type  " notepad " in  textfield
  • Now click OK.

Method to open notepad in Microsoft windows.

STEP2 :- Coding section.

 After opening notepad copy and paste codes given below.

 dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient

STEP3 :- Save your batch file.

Save it as   movie.bat   ” .

Remember that here (.bat) extension defines that it is batch file. Hence it is very important to write as “filename.bat” without quotes.

STEP4 :- Run as administrator.

Go to location where you had saved file. Now run as administrator.

 For this, Right click on file and select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.

Now wait a minute and movie will start automatically.

NOTE: - If you are user of window 7/8/10. Then it is must for you to run this file as administrator (only first time).
Result will something like this. Enjoy your movie. 

ASCII version of star war. 


If you had watched ASCII version of star war. Then I am 100% sure that you are excited to create your own ASCII video. You can do so after carefully reading this part.

STEP1 :- Open VLC media player.

STEP2 :-  Click on TOOLS in menu bar at top of window. Now select “PREFERENCES”.


                You can press   Ctrl + P after opening VLC media player.

STEP3 :-  Click on Video tab in left of window. Now you can see a drop down menu in front of output label.  From drop down menu select Color ASCII art video output.

STEP4 :- Save settings and restart VLC media player. Now you can play any movie in ASCII version.

To change to normal mode, Select default in drop down menu OR Click reset preferences at bottom left corner of popup window. Then save and restart.


1.        It is necessary to run movie.bat as administrator first time. Because telnet is not installed as default in newer versions of windows.

2.       It is recommended to check internet connection before running batch file. Movie will run smoothly even in slowest internet connections.

3.       This is only for windows PC users. But android users can also watch this movie in YouTube.

4.       This is most important point. Don’t forget to bring popcorns before starting movie.

If you face any problem in any step, Please contact by comments or visit contact us page.
Soon I will back with new tricks and tips. Till that enjoy life and take care.
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