Latest SEO Keyword Analysis and Link Tool

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Latest SEO Keyword Analysis and Link Tool

Majestic SEO, a popular link explorer tool for SEOs and webmasters, announced the launch of Search Explorer. Search Explorer is a search engine they designed to allow SEOs and webmasters to search by keyword or phrase, and the results would be ranked by Majestic SEO’s own linkage metrics. The purpose is to show which web sites rank the highest for a specific keyword based mostly on their own linkage data.

Search Explorer
The rankings will be mostly based on Majestic SEO’s own “Flow Metrics” analysis of the links. The announcement will officially be made at PubCon in Las Vegas tomorrow at 3pm local time. Dixon Jones, the Marketing Director of Majestic SEO told me they do not have access to personalized data or full text caching for a page. Search Explorer does not license Yahoo Search data to bring in contextual text context to the mix, because linkage data, while very telling, doesn’t always tell you the complete story. The new tool is expected to go live tomorrow around 3pm Las Vegas time. Here is a screen shot of what Search Explorer may look like when it launches: Read Full article :

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