Change the Background Color with Favourite of Visitor!

Anonymous 12:07 AM Edit Artikel
Hi, friends! After a long time I didn't write a blogger tricks, now I will share to you about change the background color with favourite visitor! Maybe, when you were surfing in a blog or website, you annoyed by the background color of the blog. Maybe, caused by the color is too bright or too dark. So, the solution is, you should add background color changer. How? Just follow the steps below!

View the Demo

1. Log in to your blogger account
2. Go to Design --> Page Elements --> Add Gadget
3. Choose "HTML/Java Script
4. Add the code below
<div class="widget-content">
<center><b>Choose your favourite color</b></center>
<script type="text/javascript">
function bgChange(bg)
<table border="1" width="100%" height="20">
<td onclick="bgChange('#8B008B')" bgcolor="#8B008B">
<td onclick="bgChange('#9400D3')" bgcolor="#9400D3">
<td onclick="bgChange('#008080')" bgcolor="#008080">
<td onclick="bgChange('#808080')" bgcolor="#808080">
<td onclick="bgChange('#CD853F')" bgcolor="#CD853F">
<td onclick="bgChange('#2F4F4F')" bgcolor="#2F4F4F">
<td onclick="bgChange('#DC143C')" bgcolor="#DC143C">
<td onclick="bgChange('#4B0082')" bgcolor="#4B0082">
<td onclick="bgChange('#A52A2A')" bgcolor="#A52A2A">
Choose your favourite color is the sentence that will appear
The color codes are the colors that will appear

5. Then? Just click Save
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